Le Nostre Testimonianze

Testimonianza Princy, Bincy e Cincy R.

Dear respected Sir,

Loving regards from Miss.Princy Raphael, Miss.Cincy Raphael and Miss.Bincy Raphael. With deep sorrow in our heart we inform you that our father Mr.Raphael Mapranathukaran died on Oct 25th 06. As he was suffering from Epilepsy and brain cancer for six years. At present our mother is not in condition to work. She is not yet accepted the death of our father. Please do pray for our family. Dear Sir thank you very much for the money, which you send through Sr.Regi. It reached to us very safely. Because of your kindness and generosity we could pay fees in our college and school. We pray for you and your foundation. May the Almighty reward you for your generosity. Once again thank you very much for your support.


Miss.Princy R., Miss.Cincy R., Miss.Bincy R..

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    Princy, Bincy and Cincy
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