Title Three


Will be qualified as “Benefactors” of the Foundation, the public and private entities, individuals and legal entities, companies and institutions in general, either Italians or foreigners, whose donations to the Foundation are very significant in amount.

The aforesaid qualification is purely honorary and is approved by the Board of Directors by a majority of its members. It lasts for the period determined by the Board of Directors.

Will get the title of “Adherents” to  the Foundation, the public and private entities, individuals and legal entities, companies and institutions in general, either Italians or foreigners, who share the aims of the Foundation, contributing to the achievement of its objectives through annual cash contributions in the minimum size established by the Board of Directors.

The title of “Adherent” is purely honorary and lasts throughout the year for which the contribution was made..

Altri titoli

Title Four


Title Five


Title Six

(Italiano) Estinzione

Title Seven

(Italiano) Rinvio alle leggi vigenti